Thursday, June 9, 2011

Breaking Their Bank

Found in my mailbox this morning, this offer from a mom from the Bay Area French group listserv:

Nous avons une tirelire où nous mettons l'argent que nous trouvons et nous avons décidé d'utiliser son contenu pour acheter un boom box pour vos résidents. Nous compléterons ce qui manque. Ce sera un modèle de base comme vous pouvez l'imaginer mais il pourra jouer des CDs. Etes-vous toujours prenante?

(We have a piggy bank where we put money that we find and we have decided to use the money to buy a boom box for your residents. We will make up the difference. It will be a basic model as you can imagine, but it will play CDs. Are you still interested?)

This in response to a call I put out to the group to donate unused CD players that we could use in activities with residents at assisted living community where I work.

Generosity is a wonderful thing, not just for the donor, but also for the recipients. In this case a whole circle of them. First me as the facilitator, then the activity coordinators who lead the music groups, then the residents who so much love to sing and dance.

Noticing barriers melting around the heart, and a sweet wave filling in whole chest. I imagine a bunch of little French kids gathered around their piggy bank, and counting their coins. And Anita, their mom teaching them what it's like to practice generosity.

I feel inspired. How about you?

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